Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Things Unfinished

At a gathering of poets the other night...one of them was telling me with some regret...about the scores of incomplete poems he has in his note books...where his focus was disrupted by some domestic happening...calling for his attention. I had
empathy with him about incompletions...having so many of them myself. I also know...
that it is not only external interuptions...that chill your creations in mid-flow...
and leave them there. There are days or nights when...focussed as you may be...one
verse of a song or a few lines of a poem is going to be..."that's all he wrote". This
is part of the mystery of creating anything...the sweet swallow of creativity...will
come when it wants...or simply dart away from you...regardless of your purposeful intentions. Our lives tend to be full of incompletions...anyway. Perhaps...a constuctive way of looking at "things unfinished"...is that they are simply a natural
part of living life...be you artist...or every man...every woman...happening or not happening...despite your best intentions. Instead...rejoice at the projects... songs...poems...or pictures...you did actually complete...and look upon them...as
one more thing to be thankful for...riding this capricious force called life..............Quester.


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