Thursday, July 07, 2005

A Measure Of Freedom

We human beings long for freedom...freedom from...freedom to...the hankering persists. Of course, we can never be totally
free to do whatever we please, given there are others to consider...and this at times...will curtail our own wishes. As a young
adult I set out to liberate myself...from whatever chains...colonial or otherwise...were put upon me as a defenceless child. It
has been a long journey and it is still going I have reached for my piece of this life. It is in my creative
work...that I've carved for myself...a place where I am free...not allowing market forces...the artist stereotype others may
want me to maintain to suit their tastes...or notions abroad in the land about what an artist should influence my
creations. Those limitations do not belong in this "territory of freedom". And so...having reclaimed the proprietorship of my
mind from its early songs, poems, pictures, and pieces of prose...continue...marking out one of the central
places...where I have won for myself...a "measure of freedom".........................Quester.


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