Friday, July 15, 2005

When Skin And Sun Commune

[Today...the grey and the rain is I'll post this...written yesterday...while the memory of the sun is still fresh].
I sit on the balcony on my floor...surrounded by oleander pink and hydranga mauve...with the sun beating down on my bare I try to collect my thoughts...and put some of them down. Sun on my skin...takes me back to my tropical
beginnings...where if there was a hole in the ozone layer... knew about it...oleander and frangipani were never far away...and the sun fiercely coming down on I walked to school...caused heat and innocence to
produce fantasies of distant places to the north...where it could never be as hot as where I found myself. In time...these day
dreams propelled me the dark freezing depths and choking stagnant heat of different seasons...
then to the capricious comings and goings of the rain on the West Coast...which has made the coming of the sun a cause for
celebration. There is a special liberation that comes...when after having been in hiding under copious layers of clothing...for
a long time...your hungry skin is finally meet the late blooming sun. Today...with the silver orb above me
unconcealed by clouds...sending its rays directly down on me...I am in communion with the I haven't been for a while
...and shoulders and bare arms exult in their direct contact with the bringer of light. But the time it's taken to write twenty minutes of grace from the dangeroud effects of ultra violet rays...has been used'll just step back into my cucoon...indoors...knowing that the days of unlimited and worry free play...under the vitalizing and dream inducing...rays of the sun...are now...a golden...distant...memory....................Quester.


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