Saturday, August 13, 2005

Song Building Time

Since the bonanza of songs recorded on August 10th...I've begun to work on lead guitar or other tracks that I can add to the
songs I have another recording session nexr week when I can begin to add parts to voice and guitar versions of
songs. This for me is the most enjoyable part of recording. It's an opportunity for the closet lead guitarist and percussionist
to come out of the closet. These aspects of what I do musically do not get opportunities every day to express themselves... as I am usually singing and playing accompanying guitar instead. It's a fine feeling when you put on a voice and guitar cd and begin to play lead guitar to what is already in place on the tracks you're listening to. I find myself cutting loose
with improvised rippling notes at first. Yesterday I did a lot of that..."letting it hang out" with my playing. However this
morning I began keeping the over view of how I wanted the songs to mind...and started councelling myself on cutting back on all those notes I had been playing I don't want my lead guitar work to interfere with the singing of the songs...but I want to add parts that will deepen and widen them...instead...allowing "less" to be "more". More coming
up with arrangement ideas are in the offing...including parts on hand drum, maracas etc...and...of course..getting in good
rehearsals until the day I record. Even so...on the day of recording...I know there are likely to be improvised parts played...
but then...I should be familiar with the material I'm adding them to...and things like synchronizing my part
endings with the endings of the songs already in place. I look forward to my next recording session...with the burden of recording my singing and accompanying my songs already lifted in last week's session...and being free now to play my parts
on guitar and percussion instruments...and hear them "grow before my ears"...until I can let them rest....................Quester.


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