Monday, October 17, 2005

People Of The Salmon

From Alaska...through British Columbia...Washington...and into Oregon...the salmon for hundreds of years...and to this day...
has been very the First People of this part of the world. The salmon was one of the central sources of food for
the people. In the tradition among Native Peoples throughout the Americas...of honouring the gifts of the Earth that
sustain them...the descendents of the original some parts of the West Coast...still hold First Salmon Ceremonies...welcoming and honouring the first salmon of the new season. That is why...when I think of the Native American
People...who have lived for thousands of years...along this most beautiful part of the Earth...I think of them as "The People
of the Salmon". Some years ago I was asked by the Vancouver School write songs about these people...and did.
This is the chorus of the title song for this project...which I sang in all the elementary schools in many parts
of British Columbia...and on one Washington: "People of the Salmon...I can hear you...Through the ocean mist
I hear your song...I can hear your drum beat...echoing...calling...I can hear your deep and strong..........Quester.


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