Friday, February 03, 2006

How You Slice It Matters

Today is the one week anniversary of my acquiring a digital camera...but it seems much longer than that...given the "tricks"
I've learnt on it...and the usage I've gotten out of it. Seventy eight pictures favourite aspect of utilising the pictures taken by "cropping" them. Squinting through a tiny view you take your's hard to spot any disharmonies lurking on the edges of each picture...or anywhere else. It is when you transfer them to your computer...and click them into computer screen can really see for the first time...whether there's a jewel lurking in the raw material you've taken. This is the stage...when cropping...with my "painter's eye" to the fore...I can spot where the extraneous stuff lies...around any of the four edges of the picture...and start into my slicing it away. I've been blown away...more than once the "jewels" that have been set free...from nondescript pictures...revealing a unity and power that was not visible...pre-cropping. So...even in these early days...I am finding out that "how you slice it" where the action is................Quester.


At 5:28 PM , Blogger pralinanmi said...

As I read your post the process reveals itself as being akin to trimming away...the unnecessary words...


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