Saturday, May 27, 2006

Keeping It Together the absence of dramatic material or social successes...people...sometimes
...may not give themselves credit...for something else that is very important. It
could be called..."keeping it together". It could be in the form of keeping the group
you belong to...usually family...together...while facing many difficulties...from
outside...or from...inside too. But "keeping it together" applies most importantly...
to living our own individual lives. The British have the expression..."going to seed" part of its meaning...has the element of...losing the grip you had on the
"reins of life" once held firmly in your hands. Sometimes the batterings of life
can do that to people. It may have even happened to a famous billionaire like Howard
Hughes. So...give yourself a star...if you've been "keeping it together"...through
your life takes a lot of courage and endurance to do is not an
automatic is a considerable achievement............Quester.


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