Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tiny Tool To Hand

Had two walks yesterday that turned out to be picture taking sessions. My camera is one of those wonders of modern technology...a tiny thing...that...if I'm lucky using it...can bring me back some jewel images...from time to time. I used to walk about with my daily journal in my pocket...a lot of the time these days my little camera replaces it...and sometimes I make a conscious effort to have both with me as I go out. It's the tiny-ness of my picture taker...along with what it can do...that has caused a picture making surge in my life...that I've been surfing on...for the last five or six months now. I think at core I am a picture maker...and finding almost daily ways to exercise the picture maker in me...I know has benefited me. No tripod...or cumbersome camera and camera I leave home each time...has made picture taking for me...something I can do with the images call out to me as I roam. It's a reminder that creating...doesn't always have to be an onerous thing...but can simply be an organic part of your life...with its tools to hand...wherever you may find yourself.........................Quester.


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