Friday, August 18, 2006

The Bashful Busker

About two months ago...walking on the road that leads out of Granville Island in
Vancouver...which is a tourist mecca...I took this picture...which I call..."The Bashful Busker". Not once...during the time I observed him...quietly singing and playing his guitar...did he ever look up. This raised a few questions in my mind. The man wasn't carrying himself as a natural born extrovert...possibly the persona most suited if you are going to sing in people hurry by you. Something...was impelling him to go out and sing at the side of the road...but he didn't seem to want to look at anyone...although doing that boldly...and with a reputed to facillitate the coin toss in your direction. But who am I to speculate...on why he was doing what he was doing...I have never busked in my life. There have been times when "between engagements"...I've had the yen to go out and share some of my songs with someone...but I have never acted upon it. There are two main reasons why I haven't. Firstly...singing with people walking by me...oblivious to the long road I've travelled creating my anathema to me. Secondly...I seem to have a particularly strong sense of keeping my all times...and putting myself in a position...where people would toss coins at me...for unthinkable. Having said that...I salute my busking compatriots of the world...knowing that if you can hold an audience's attention...inside of much movement...and a tendency towards indifference around you ...or just being out there doing your have likely found a liberation of yourself...that I have not yet found. So to buskers of the world...blessings and salutations...................Quester.


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