Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Shingle In Cyber Space

Just replied to a request for an interview...from a fellow country man...who lives
in Barbados...for publishing in a Guyana news paper. Like many others...he had been looking for me for years...and finally found my web site address...which enabled him to get in touch. That has been the thing I've probably enjoyed the most about having
a web's caused people who met me on singing tours...even years ago...old
friends I'd lost touch with...and people who know me from my make contact.
For someone who never had a publicist...and never really went knocking on doors to promote his work...I lived long enough to meet up with web site technology. It's
just about a perfect fit...for someone who doesn't like to pursue anyone...with
furthering his ambitions in mind. Having a web like hanging out a shingle
in cyber space. As people surf by...they may find it...and it may lead them to getting in touch. I am usually glad when they do...and it has led to many warm
exchanges and reunitings that would not have been possible without it...may they go on.........................Quester.


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