Thursday, September 07, 2006

Writing Momentum

Am deeply involved in writing a book. It is at the forefront of my mind all the time.
Much of it has been already written...but today I am stepping back to take the eagle
view of it...preparatory to doing a tough edit of see what gaps are in it...or
what must be told relevant anecdotes or insights...have not been so far included.
Then there is the finalizing of the order...previously written chapters should be in...
that make the most holistic sense. Even something as large as a the heat of writing it...can jump the queue...and in your first included ahead of its
rightful time. So far I have enjoyed working on this book...this time round...I do hope
the writing momentum I've had for some time continues...knowing that I'm very much "a
creature of momentum"...and would prefer not to slip out of it until the job's done. Of
course my writing for this blog...and a new site I've been asked to contribute to...
should keep my writing momentum going...another of the many benefits of blogging.......


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