Saturday, October 07, 2006


I have always liked dandelions. At times when I have voiced that...people have looked at me as if I was going against all that is sacred in the culture I live in. Some have
said to me harshly..."did you know some of them have roots that go down thirty feet".
That doesn't change my mind...because I happen to feel that having deep roots in a world where so much is not a bad thing. "But they're a weed" the usual condemnatory follow up. I long ago learnt to recognise stereotypes when I see them...also realizing that "one man's weed may be another man's "cheerer-upper".
Dandelions and their yellow...perhaps the most hopeful colour in Creation...with their
built in reminder of being related to the sun...not to mention the stars...turning white light into a colour that fits our human imperfection even better...and can cheer us up if we let it. Dandelions...also places their less tough or courageous conservative gardeners avoid "weeds"...even on the edge of kerbs...with autumn leaves piling up next to them...............Quester.


At 10:44 PM , Blogger whirld dervish said...

I was in a similar space on Wednesday walking along the seawall and admiring the bright yellow dandelions poking up through the multicolored fall if summer was only just around the corner!


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