Friday, March 02, 2007

Getting To The Finish Line

Recently...on being asked by someone at a
poetry gathering...what artist's work I was doing these days...I replied that I was writing a book. The questioner persisted...
"About what?" which I repled..."Things"
...This left the asker of the question puzzled...and we got into a conversation...
in general...about book projects. At the time
I wasn't trying to be rude or cute. It's just that the question came right up against an
important part of the methodology I follow
when I'm engaged in working on a long
creative project. I've just finished posting
a piece on a Guyana response to a request for a synopsis of my current
book project...called..."Keeping the lid on [until the pepperpot is finished]". My reason for this part of my approach...has to do with how premature revelation of the subject you are working on...can suck the steam out of your one pointed focus in reaching the finishing line...given the indifference or insensitive "unknowing" are likely to encounter. When a long project is done...people can be indifferent as they want to be ...the good news being that they were not allowed to have a hand in slowing down or stopping your project.'s to the creative artists...who find
their own ways of keeping on...until their projects are...indeed...completed.


At 2:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.


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