Saturday, April 05, 2008

Evaluating Incoming Overtures

Went to a gathering of friends the other night. Many of them were poets and writers.
Actually the warmest times I had with some of those present...had nothing to do with
their "credentials"...but with some quality or qualities they each possessed that
caused me to like them or feel affection for them. One of them was particularly warm
and affectionate to me...and I'm still processing what went into that...given the
"level of warmth" had been turned up several notches above how it had been in our many
previous meetings. In this life...evaluating what comes to you or at an art
on to itself. Even the comments or other overtures I get about my videos on YouTube...
have different energies that come from them. Some pass the sincerity test with flying
colours...while others have a whiff of someone else's ambitions coming at order for them to be furthered in some way. What to do about these different vibes
coming from others at you?. Looks like you want to remain open overall...but still not
be too easy a mark for wool being pulled over your eyes. What you don't want to do
is get bogged down in your suspicion of all you interact with. That is a "vibe" too
they are certain to pick up..................Quester.


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