Sunday, June 15, 2008

Deserts Of The Moon

Yesterday...I recorded...edited...and uploaded...the video..."Deserts Of The Moon" to
YouTube. The song's about what others call..."the dark night of the soul".
As we all know...our "deserts of the moon"...sometimes can go on for much longer than a night...sometimes...for incredibly long time. I remember once cracking to someone who asked how I was doing..."Oh...just coming out of a dark year of the soul!". The song in question contains the verse..."the smoke and mirrors you knew make the blue days quickly fade can't start playing anymore...for long before you see them through". A reference to that "been there done that feeling"...we tend to get as life wears on...that if we don't consciously break out from...could easily turn into a permanent sulk. Every time I upload a video about a serious song...I'm aware that some people...on seeing its description...might shy away from viewing it...but's that one of the many wonderful things about my YouTube experience...I can live my artist's uploading whichever videos I feel good about at the time...regardless of who may or may not decide to view them. As it is...I look at "Deserts Of The Moon" as one of my core songs...and core songs should be represented in any slice of an artist's worik. By the happens in many of my songs...there is often...a life affirming passage. In this song it's the chorus: "But through these deserts of the moon...a green place will come to you soon...if you take the chance you have dance under the sun"..............Quester.


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