Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stress Free Blogging

I know someone...who put the straight jacket on do something like 2,000
entries on his something like a year. I wish him well. Perhaps he needs that
structure to help him on his way. For me...there's a little bit of "been there done
that" that approach. Early on blogging...I got into the mindset...that I must do
a post daily...on and on. I sustained that clip for quite a while...until it dawned on
me that the element of "fun"...that can happen when you blog...had flown away. Anyway
I made a resolution that I would stop striving to be daily. I looked up the other see...that in the last two weeks or so...since I rejuvenated my blog...I've
actually posted something every day. There's...of course nothing wrong with
long as you're doing that...while you're enjoying posting your entries and pictures.
However...I have to report...that some time ago...I decided I would as much as I could
....remove stressors from my life. I've learnt to do stress free video making...and now I'm into stress free blogging. I've identified the largest area of stress for when...starting off doing something...I make extravagant promises to myself or anyone else...about what I'm going to do. So...currently...I'm enjoying doing my posts...but don't be surprised...if at any time...I might take a needed holiday from it. I'm writing this...with the full knowledge...that few or none might be reading my blog...[now there's a stress reducing thought right there].'s to stress free blogging ...and...for that matter...stress free living...........Quester.


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