Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pretty Brown

Last weekend...I sang at a large "Multi-Cultural Origins Of British Columbia" event.
It was celebrating British Columbia's 150th birthday. There were three parts to the
program I delivered. I started with the song in today's video..."Pretty Brown". This
has been a central song in my life as a songwriter and singer...and over thirty years...has been my most requested song. Many...primarily Native People...but not only
...have told me stories about how this song has affected their lives for the better.
I've already had two other versions of "Pretty Brown" on YouTube...so when I was able
to get this one done...I thought...it's time to put this song on Blogger. This has been a most bountiful time for me...getting video material...and I've been in the throes of
editing this material. At least three other videos have come out of the multi-
cultural night...and there may be more. So...thanks to Glenda...who on short
notice shot this video...and bon voyage to "Pretty Brown" as she heads out...on one more...of her many journeys........................Quester.


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