Monday, July 28, 2008

Summer Weekend Random Notes

Today...I'm beginning to process the sights...sounds...thoughts etc...of a jam packed
weekend. When wanting...if avoid plodding through a litany of descriptions...I often doing "random notes" here we go:...singing
"The Banana Blues" a children's a literary festival...and understanding why I've sung in a lot of elementary schools in my time...but why I always avoided taking on the "children's entertainer persona"...this day I just sang a few songs...and didn't worry too much about that...and...also...wondered if I'd sing at this kind of the future. Having a few chats...with some people I know and like...helped me to push past the "literary" trappings of the event. At the Caribbean festival...watching at first...a few people moving to the music...coming from the stage...with the vast majority of people sitting...and watching the band play...something that would never likely the Caribbean...with people present at an event like this...rising en groove to the music. Fortunately
a fine man and woman couple...did rise up...and on the parched grass...let loose a
sinuous and torrid "pas de deux"...then there were a bunch of joyful children...
following the lead of a woman in a winged carnival costume...bringing life to the
occasion...and giving all the "watchers"...something to consider...may these children
keep rising up...always. Then there were the Grenada May Pole Dancers...bringing
rythm...earthiness...and organic movement back to the May Pole Dance...and inspiring
me to make a video...of their most welcome on YouTube. There's
much more to process...and more to write...but I'll sign off now..........Quester.


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