Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sending My Songs Into Cyberspace

Only yesterday...I was telling a relative of I've been reluctant to put
online...some of the videos I've made...that I feel best about. I've found that the
deepest...and most feeling songs I've written...are among those on video...I'm likely to postpone uploading. It is...a protective instinct...I work here...not
wanting to expose them to the indifference of would be viewers...who might skip past
them...not realizing...or you feel about them. I have quite a few videos
that may fall into the category I've just outlined...that were made quite a while ago...but are not uploaded. I eventually overcome my reluctance...and from time to time...upload one of these. One of the realizations that helps me to expose a piece of my work online...sooner or that...if the song on the video really connects with one viewer out there...that would be a good reason to have uploaded it. This
morning...I received what appeared to be a heart felt comment...on a song...very
recently posted online. The response...reminded me of this notion of the worth of
really connecting with one person out there...and is the kind of encouragement...that
is likely to help me to overcome my hesitation in making available to the world...
some of the videos I've made...I feel most strongly about. Hope I remember...what
I've just written here...up ahead.................Quester.


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