Sunday, January 25, 2009

Herons...Poetic License...The Internet

Took this picture of a Lost Stanley Park...the other day. It
triggered a memory of a heron song I wrote years ago...when I lived in Ontario. it
mentioned the heron flying south. i know that West Coast herons...seem to stay put...
during the winter...but to this day...I still haven't verified whether my Ontario heron...does indeed head south...when it gets cold. Perhaps...that is why...this Ontario written song...has never been recorded by me...i.e. the not being sure...whether the premise for it...was flaky...or not. Such are the perils of song making...sometimes your romantic side wins out...and you plunge ahead with the writing of a song...without checking facts about it. Of course...a bit of poetic part of a poet or song maker's repertoire...but with something as large as bird don't make assumptions. Online sources of information...didn't exist
when the Ontario song was written. These important tool has been added to
the song maker's tool box...the internet. raise a herons
in the winter...close enough to take pictures of...and the internet...waiting to be
harnessed as a research tool...for those of us...who might easily get carried away...
with our rash use...of poetic license...................Quester.


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