Friday, February 06, 2009

Keeping Inertia At Bay

The greyness outside my window...and the blankness of this page before me...remind me
of how we human beings...have to keep goosing oourselves to move forward. I'm not
writing here...about moving up any ladders we have set for ourselves in our minds.
I'm talking about what I call..."moving the organism"...given that inertia...always
hovering...can bring you to a stand still...if you haven't developed "goosing" strategies to keep you moving forward. There are times in life...when the natural
motivation you once keep getting things done...can flicker very low...and you
are the greatest danger...of coming to a complete stop. This can actually
happen to people. Howard Hughes...once an extremely active and enterprising man...and a billionaire...seemed to have the grey ball of inertia...although I'm
sure what afflicted him...was likely more complex than that. Point is...none of us
are totally immune from...having our lives come to a halt...although we are still
breathing. Today's entry...may not be of cosmic importance...but coming up with it
...has been an inching forward...rather than stopping...and living in the hope that
one day soon...there will be a resumption of..."a fine flow forward"......Quester.


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