Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Right Way

When I wrote yesterday's entry...about taking one of my videos off YouTube...I was
feeling disappointed...and not knowing when I'd be ready to redo the video in question. Instead of lingering in my disappointment...yesterday...I went right doing a new version of this video. The reason I removed this video...was that it was a video with rolling text for the viewer to read...and when I played it back on the YouTube screen...I had trouble reading it. Yesterday...I made several changes in the text...larger and bolder a colour that could be seen against the grey background...and a few more changes from how the first version was done. Not too long after this...the new and easily read version of..."I make these songs"...was back on YouTube. I know how sometimes I am quite capable of turning away from a mess made. This time...I went right back at it...and ended up with a good feeling about having done so. My old confirmation Godfather in Guyana once asked many ways there were to do a job. Brightly...I answered that there were two ways...the wrong and the right way. He shook his head...and said..."No...there's only one way...the right way...because if you do it the wrong'll just have to do it over 'til you get it right!". took me a while to get to the "right way"...but I finally got there...........................Quester.


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