Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not An Easy Road

Beautiful day outside my window. Inside of it...I've edited two videos...checked my
e-mail...found a comment about one of my videos on YouTube...that made me smile.
Earlier...answered a message from another YouTube user...who wanted my e-mail address
so she could send me pictures of her paintings...perhaps thinking I was a possible
buyer. Had to reply...thanking her for her message...saying that over the years
I've accumulated a lot of paintings I've done myself...but it's always good to see
the fine work of other artists. What I didn't mention...was that my mail box usually
crashes...when anyone sends me a bunch of pictures. Hate to disappoint anyone...but
as the young ones would say..."these days...I'm so not a buyer of paintings". I often someone who creates things...find myself being approached by people who mistake me for a consumer of what they have to offer. Anyway...I wish all my fellow artists
well...I know it's not an easy road we're on................Quester.


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