Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A Benefit From A Blockage

Using a computer and the internet...gives you a combination of empowerment and
magic...on one hand...and frustration...on the other. Right now I'm experiencing
the latter...as I try to access the accounts page of my main YouTube channel...
the way I usually do...and find...I cannot. If you let it...something like that
...can push you into a Kafkaesque zone...where you feel you cannot count on
much of anything...and you may be locked out of where you want to enter...for all
time. At times like this...I have to remind myself...that I've been in situations
like this before to do with my computer and the internet...and somehow...the
solution to the blockage...or problem...has come...and this time...it will too.
I suppose...it requires...backing off a bit...from that "locked out" feeling
you get in situations like this...and the darkness that can come with that. It's
another life occasion for reminding yourself that..."this too will pass". At
any rate...the solutions to such difficulties...seem to come more readily...when
you deintensify. So...we'll see how this one unfolds. Already I see a benefit
from being locked out from my channel...I was wondering what I would post today
to my blog...and now...I no longer need wonder..............Quester.


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