Friday, October 23, 2009

The Sun Will Be Sweeter

It's 8.30 in the morning...and the gloom is thick outside my rain pocked window
...small wonder my video today is what it is. Let's face it...if you let it...
rain can be very depressing. For's not so much the wetness...but the
absence of sunlight that's so hard to bear. But like so much else in
can take what appears to be a negative and turn it around. There are places on
Earth right now...where rain hasn't fallen for months...and crops have been
accordingly ruined. One of the things I love about this West Coast I live on...
is how lush the vegetation is...and the great abundance of flowers in their season.
Rain...of course...plays a big part in that. I find that wet and gloom outside...
if I harness it...can help me to dig deep...inside...into working on some long
delayed project. So...let it rain...the sun will be sweeter...when it finally
comes again........................Quester.


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